All schools Pre-K through Colleges and Universities by Order of SC Governor Henry McMaster.
All York County Public Library Branches closed until further notice.
The Culture & Heritage Museums of York County closed until further notice.
Rock Hill Municipal Court has cancelled all jury trial hearings through March 31st.
Area 11 Spring Games scheduled for April 3 in Rock Hill has been canceled.
The Statehouse Rally for Special Olympics planned for March 31st has been cancelled.
Piedmont Medical Center is limiting visitation of patients. Only one person may visit a patient. No one with a fever or symptoms of lower respiratory illness, such as cough or shortness of breath may visit. No one under the age of 13 is allowed. No visits are allowed from a person who may have Coronavirus or is confirmed to have Coronavirus.
The American Cancer Society has suspended all events until March 31. Community events will be rescheduled.